FormPiper Blog

Boost Your Bottom Line with FormPiper

Written by FormPiper | Sep 14, 2022 3:01:00 PM

There are many factors to take into consideration on a daily basis for retail business owners. From employee performance to marketing initiatives to the ever-important visual appearance of the retail spaces themselves, business owners have a lot on their plate. And above all else, of course, they want to ensure they are serving their customers effectively and delivering on their expectations, because that ties directly into the single biggest and most important measure of success for any retail business: the bottom line.

It's what business owners think about at night. It's what determines whether businesses can stay in business. And when it's not where it should be, it's a cause for concern and a driver of change.

Every retail business owner wants to find a way to boost their bottom line. And many retailers establish robust consumer finance programs for precisely that purpose. But if that same consumer finance program is not delivering on its promise, for whatever reason, then it's time to evaluate it from top to bottom and make a change; a change that will speak to directly to that initial goal of boosting your bottom line.

FormPiper, a complete consumer finance solution, helps you boost your bottom line in many ways. Here are a few examples.

FormPiper Helps You Close More

When a customer has decided to finance a purchase, you almost have the deal in the bag. But nothing could turn them off faster -—  and, importantly, prevent them from returning to your business and making another financed purchase in the future — than a finance application process that is slow, laborious and painful.

FormPiper tackles that problem head-on by enabling you and your team to fill data for multiple applications with a single click of a button, smoothing out a time-consuming process, and making it easier for you to run applications for multiple lenders. It's about more than saving time on each sale and customer interaction; it's about paying that saved time forward to other sales and other customer interactions, as well as supporting tasks.

A better, smoother financing process will put more money in your pocket over time. Your employees will no longer dread the financing process and will be more likely to offer financing to every customer, every time, and your customers are more likely to return for another purchase if they had a great experience the first time.

FormPiper Empowers You to Make Adjustments

FormPiper collects data about your consumer finance program and displays it to you in a single convenient reporting dashboard. This is information you need to have if you are going to grow your consumer financing program and keep it growing. With FormPiper's comprehensive reporting, you'll be able to more easily identify problem areas with both lenders and your sales team and more effectively target remedial measures.

FormPiper Delivers for Real Customers

It's easy enough for us to tell you about how FormPiper delivers, but why not go straight to the source and see what real retail customers have to say:

"Our experience now with FormPiper is GREAT!" says Rudy Campos of the Laredo, Texas-based business Mattress Clearance Warehouse. "We are able to get new customers approved FASTER and our volume is GROWING and now saving PAYROLL due to not needing more labor to do the application process! One time asking customers for personal info and DONE!"

"When it comes to your product, it's different," says Angel Siqueiros, Operations Manager at Household Furniture in El Paso, Texas. "That's the number one thing, it's not like what [other retailers] are probably familiar with. You can't really compare them to any other waterfall per se, because it doesn't operate like a waterfall. It really puts it in your hands how you want to use it, and it just takes all the work out of it. But at the same time, it gives you more control that other waterfalls don't give you, while still providing reporting and the other options that you have available. And obviously the integration portions that you guys are working on, on top of that. So it's not comparing apples to apples with other providers, but it's providing a far superior service."

To see more great comments from our customers — along with insights about how FormPiper helped them — head over to our case studies page. You'll see for yourself why so many retail business owners are turning to FormPiper to bolster their consumer finance programs and boost their bottom lines.