FormPiper Blog

Above and Beyond: How to Deliver Greater Value to Your Most Loyal Customers

Written by FormPiper | Jul 3, 2024 9:40:49 PM

Your most loyal customers are the lifeblood of your business. But if you’ve been delivering exceptional value to them for some time, it may just be that you’ve hit a cap in terms of what you’re bringing to the table for them. Here’s how to go above and beyond to deliver even greater value for your most loyal customers.

Survey Time

Do you want customer feedback? If so, one of the best ways to get it is through a direct survey. Whether it’s an in-store survey, an email, a text, or even something as simple as a quick poll on your social media channels, you need to ask your most engaged customers what they want and how you can deliver it for them.

Now, here’s an area – like so many others – where it is a valuable exercise to place yourself in your customer’s shoes. What would get you to fill out a survey? Whether it’s a chance to be entered in a giveaway, or just a brief, well-planned survey delivered after a positive interaction, you need to find ways to boost your chances of actually getting a response.

Then, once you get the survey responses, act on them, and tell your customers how you plan to act on them, via the same channels by which you solicited survey responses. Everyone wants to feel heard, and it’s important to show your customers that their feedback is meaningful to you and isn’t just being filed away somewhere.

Mirror Your Best Customers

Many consumers shop at businesses that seem to match their values and which fulfill their purchasing desires, molding their spending habits based on which businesses appeal to them most. Likewise, most businesses ultimately target their products or services to particular customer segments. But the most successful businesses mirror their most engaged customers by performing deeper analysis of consumer trends and staying on the cutting edge in their vertical.

Do you see a customer who is highly engaged with your social media channels and following your page? Follow them back and identify what they are looking for and what appeals to them. Your best, your most frequent, your most loyal customers show you who they are with what they purchase and how they interact with your business, and you can lean into that by catering to them.

In the political world, this is referred to as appealing to your base. And sure, you may have to reach “across the aisle” into uncomfortable or uncharted segments in order to boost your revenue, but first you need to mold a strong business identity in the image of your ideal customer.

Find the Gap

Maybe you’re doing everything right. Maybe you have nothing at all you can improve on and no areas to make significant revenue gains in. If so, congratulations – put that thing on cruise control and ride it to retirement.

In truth, that would be an extreme rarity – nearly every business has some area it can improve in and nearly every business owner has a decent idea of that most critical area is. The key is to find the gap within the larger problem area.

Take consumer finance for example. Many businesses struggle with their consumer finance program and fail to extract the most value from it. Where is the gap? In many cases, it’s a process problem in need of a comprehensive process solution.

Enter FormPiper. A comprehensive consumer finance automation solution, FormPiper fills the gap in your consumer finance program by streamlining the most cumbersome step in the financing process – the application step – delivering easy-to-use reporting, and providing tailored managed or self-managed services that deliver exceptional value for your business.

By taking advantage of the FormPiper solution, you can fill a major gap in your business scheme and provide even greater value to the highly-engaged, loyal customers who make your business what it is while boosting your revenue at the same time. More closed deals, less frustration, and happier customers – what’s not to like?